The (mis)adventures of Jimmy Eyebrow opens with the two volume Discreet Rear Entrance. This opening story tracks Jimmy Eyebrow's genesis as a hitman, while dragging his reluctant and highly risk-averse handler Joe Purple along for the ride.
In 2025, Jimmy Eyebrow is back—and the stakes have never been higher.
When an old friend shows up with a "simple" job, things quickly spiral out of control. Now, Eyebrow and his ragtag crew are on the run, fighting for their survival in a high-octane, chaotic misadventure.
If you’re into adrenaline-packed action with a generous helping of idiocy, the new adventure of Jimmy Eyebrow: Budget Hitman is one escapade you won't want to miss.
Stay tuned for updates on Eyebrow's latest adventure—it’s going to be BIG!
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