Discreet Rear Entrance Volume I


Discreet Rear Entrance by Lou Powers is one of the most hilarious crime capers you’ll ever read and is the first in a series. It’s not a long book, but it certainly packs in the action and is non-stop all the way through. It is for mature audiences, given the language and adult themes throughout the story. Powers has created some interesting and likable characters, all very well-developed, and by the end of the book, you’ll know exactly who they are and what they are all about. The story is unique and fun, not something you can usually say about stories revolving around hitmen, and I’m looking forward to reading Volume II. If you are looking for something completely different to read, something to take your attention away from real life for a while, I would highly recommend this story.

Review by Anne-Marie Reynolds for Readers' Favorite

Eyebrow V1 Paperback Cover - NEW3

Volume One of Discreet Rear Entrance chronicles the genesis of Jimmy Eyebrow and explores the bizarre relationship with his reluctant handler Joe Purple, as well as introducing you to the cavalcade of characters and associated clown-show at the cesspit of a pizza restaurant, Angelo's.

Join Jimmy as he takes his first tentative steps into the world of contract killing, dragging the unfortunate and highly risk-averse Joe Purple along with him, and revel in the hilarious confluence of events and misdirection that puts Jimmy Eyebrow squarely in the middle of a gangland war that knows no international boundaries.

Written in short punchy chapters, this book is perfect for reading while commuting to or from work, on the can, or in bed just before lights-out.

Excerpts from Volume I

“I’m getting low on cheese out here Rick”, Marco yelled over his shoulder toward the bulk preparation area. Rick dutifully appeared carrying a large tub of grated cheese. Marco snatched it from him and dumped it all into the cheese tray before pausing momentarily and examining the contents closely. “What the fuck Rick! Did you cut yourself on the grater? There’s blood in the fucking cheese again”.

As Vic approached the door of the room, he drew his revolver and without hesitating, kicked the door open and stormed inside, only to immediately be struck squarely in the head by a porcelain vase slung from across the room – the shards smashing everywhere and dislodging his weapon. Vic hit the floor, frantically attempting to retrieve his revolver and was almost instantaneously crash-tackled by the midget with a force that belied his short stature.

Vic lashed out with his leg and caught Ferrigno square in his midsection, which afforded Vic the chance to rise and grab him before hurling him across the room against the wall at the head of the bed. Given that the midget packed a highly deceptive height-to-weight ratio, Vic unexpectedly found himself tossing what felt like the equivalent of a fully laden barrel of molasses.

Tony the Concreter would be succeeded by two more bosses before Honest Dom’s reign began twenty-five years later and he held the unusual distinction of dying not at the hand of another gangster but rather as a result of being eaten by a lion.  Ordinarily such an event would command legendary status but for the fact that the Concreter’s demise occurred in a family safari park, not the African Serengeti.  While some men have had their final words go down in history to be remembered for eternity, such was not the case for Tony the Concreter whose parting words “stop the car near that tree, I need a piss” did not particularly warrant inscription in stone.

Electronic Version
